Sunday, July 8, 2012


So my new goal is to blog at least 3 times a week.  That seems reasonable right?  Mostly it seems overwhelming with 3 toddlers, a rental property, a revolving door for summer house guests (which we love!!!) and a husband, but where there's a will, there's a way.  Right?


Maybe I should write a reminder to blog on my hand, surely I will see it there among the peanut butter smears and whatever else that is.  Wait, is that chocolate or poop?  Chocolate or poop?  (Lick)  Chocolate! Two points for you if you can name that movie.

Two points won't buy you anything on this website site but it will get you access to two things I am thankful for this week.  Old friends and thrifting.

We'll start with old friends.  There's nothing quite like being reunited with a friend you haven't seen for a while who comes back to visit.  History is important.  We all like to feel known and remembered.  And old friends knew you way back, they remember the crazy stuff you did together, maybe they even still make fun of you for it, but even that feels good.

It's good to have people.  People who've got your back.  People who love your kids - so great.  People who support your dreams and encourage you to dream bigger.  It's good.  Its also good when those people help you dress better.  Sometimes when you have 3 little kids and you never leave the house b/c your hair is always dirty and you have forgotten life outside of trips to the park and Costco (to buy giant boxes of diapers), you lose sight of what looks nice when it comes to clothes.  I am not saying that this happened to me of course.  Never.  Others.  It happens to others.  And when it happens to others, i just hope they have old (stylish) friends to help them.

This is where thrifting comes in.  I am thankful for cute stuff from the thriftstore.  In the 3 times that I have been to a thrift store since the twins were born I scored big.  Everything was on sale, everything fit (amazing!) and everything was cute.  That's all.  Thankful.

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