Monday, August 6, 2012


One week ago, I wrote about how hard Mondays tend to be; how Monday is the day I can think of nothing else except the gaping hole in my family where my dad used to be....

Today is better than last week.


I know I talk about my dad a lot.  I talk about my grief a lot.  I hope you don't mind.  Grief is a process.  Grief takes time.  For me, grief takes blogging...apparently :)

My hope is that as you stay with me you will be witnesses to God's redemptive power in my life as he brings me through this journey called grief.

Here is an old picture of me and my dad.  An oldie but a goodie.

Happy Monday, everyone.
Be blessed, I know I am.

1 comment:

  1. I never mind hearing you talk about your dad. When my mom passed on, I asked a friend, who also lost her mom (quite a few years ago), how she made it and if you ever get over it. She said, you never get over it. But you move on. I have found that so true. I have also found that I have an ever deepening appreciation for my parents now, and carry them in my heart - so I feel like I am still close to them - in spirit and thought :)
    Talking about your dad is a wonderful testimony of your love for him. It shows how much of a difference his life made in this earth.


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