Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Did you see it coming? Part 2

About a month ago, I painted a small picture of what some of my experiences have been as I attempt to prepare the larger canvas of my life for the new motto God has given me: You CAN Have It All!

I truly believe that this is going to be a breath-taking masterpiece.

And I don't even paint!

I don't think Pinterest inspired spray painting counts...

* *********** *
Let me unpack it a little more.

I want more out of life. A lot more. I'm happy, I love my husband and my children, my church and my friends. But I want more. I want to always want more.

I want to always want more of God for there will always be more of God for me to want.

I'm not trying to speak in riddles, but rather turn on its head the idea that wanting more is bad, or selfish or even sinful. When I say that I want more, that in no way diminishes the abundance I already have. It is my TREASURE to be home with my boys each and every day. There are hard days, lots of them, but I CHERISH the gift of being a stay at home mom. This gift comes from a place of conviction and obedience and the sacrifices that make it possible are worth it. My family is my ultimate priority and always will be.

Before you start nodding your head too hard, that's not the end of my story. I believe there's more, I believe that I serve a God who put big dreams in my heart and by His grace, my family and my ministry, even now, as I swim in diapers and spilled milk, can happily co-exist. Will that be a miracle? Yes it will.

That's the good news! That I can't do it alone! Something tells me you are just as aware of that truth as I am....That we can't do it alone.

The dazzling thing about the balance of family and ministry is that God won't call me to something that jeopardizes my first priority.

In our small group, we recently watched a video series called The Finger of God. This documentary is a 3 part collection of what God is doing around the world miraculously. Tim and I were deeply impacted by watching these and they have watered seeds in our hearts that were planted long ago about how we can be a part of what God is doing in the nations. I strongly recommend this series whether you are very familiar with signs and wonders or whether you have very little experience with that realm of the workings of God. If nothing else, hopefully it will challenge and encourage you.

There is so much more of God for us to discover and even though we're both really, really busy, let's receive the challenge of partnering with Him for the "more!"

I hope someday we can sit down over a cup of re-heated coffee as our children tear my house apart and you can share with me what your "more" is. Because "more" is coming.....

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