Friday, December 7, 2012

Favorite Quote Friday

While the idea expressed in this post was certainly not original to my dad, it was my conversation about it with him that will be forever etched in my memory.

So, for Favorite Quote Friday, I give you a question posed to me by my dad, shortly before he went home to Jesus:
What can God do with a man or woman who is 
completely and utterly surrendered to him?

This has challenged me every day since Dad and I shared that afternoon together, talking, praying, dreaming and reminiscing. We were making memories. Some of our last.

In an effort to tailor that question to my life right now, I pose this revised question to you:

What can God do with a woman who is completely
and utterly surrender to to Him,
who has maybe 30 consecutive minutes of "spare" time
each week to do anything He asks.

Maybe that sounds silly to you. That my reality right now, I don't have much time. That said, I have more time than I think. There are days when I can get so much done it's amazing! (There are other days when all I can accomplish is keeping my children alive until daddy gets home.) It's a day by day thing.

I don't like to take much time away from my family, not when these precious early years with my boys are at stake. Yet, I feel compelled to keep this question ever before my weary eyes: What can God do with the time I do have? I'm pretty sure the answer to that question is this: A LOT.

The trick is am I open to it? Am I willing to think outside the box and let Him have His way with my life? I sure hope so.

This was my dad's dream and now its mine. I pray that one day it will be my children's dream and I pray they will see it lived out through my life, through Tim's life.

My parents with their grand-babies. Their legacy.

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