As you may know,
I recently threw said caution to the wind and made some bars for an event at our home. I tasted one that afternoon purely for testing purposes. Quality control people!
They were not so good. Too dry and way too crumbly. I would have been cleaning up crumbs for the next month. No good.'s what I did:
So I have no idea where I got this idea from. I am fairly confident I am not
First, I crumbled up the whole pan into small pieces and pressed them down a bit.
And then I poured sweetened condensed milk over the top. Oh no she didn't! Oh yes, I did. Homemade sweetened condensed milk at that, thank you Pinterest. If that sounds weird to you, trust me, works like a charm every time. I am a professional and I have done this before. This little trick has never failed me and I have messed up quite a few pans of yumminess in my short life.
Then, of course, I added more chocolate chips. This also works like a charm every time. With anything :)
Then I re-baked it at about 350 for about 20-30 minutes, keeping an eye on it. This time around, you don't want it to be too gooey.
I only took a picture of it on a plate, not finished in the pan, but you get the idea. May not look like much, but it was a delicious medley of chocolate, peanut butter, and oatmeal. So good. Of course, it can't really be replicated b/c I didn't follow a recipe and I messed it up before I fixed it...hard to duplicate. But, nonetheless, my dessert was rescued and I had a basement full of happy tummys!
So, my advice to you is if you mess up the dessert, don't fret, get out the sweetened condensed milk! Waste not, want not :) Adding a can of that will also save you money from having the hubs run to the store to buy a ready made cake.
Happy Tuesday. Go bake something.