I have a lot of favorite things.
Missions is one of my very, very favorite things in all the world. I love missionaries. I appreciate the sacrifices they willingly make to live overseas. I am thankful for the comforts of their culture they forego in order to share the Gospel. I love to pray for them and I love to spend time with them.
When Tim and I were preparing to move overseas ourselves, we had the privilege of attending an amazing fundraising training put on by The Navigators. This week long training session left us feeling very prepared for the intense and rigorous process of raising funds to work overseas. Raising personal support for any type of ministry can be incredibly taxing. We've been there, we get it. So another of my favorite things is helping to equip missionaries, and those in local ministry, with this same type of skill set for raising money. Especially since one of the common reasons missionaries come off the field is a lack of funding.
We were thrilled to have some friends over last week to do this very thing. Our basement even flooded that afternoon and we didn't cancel, that's how excited we were! The show must go on! Plus, I think we're nerds when it comes to this stuff :)
Our friends, Tom and Cathy, have given themselves over to the ministry of the Gospel here in the Twin Cities through River of Hope Ministries. It was a thrill for us to brainstorm and dream with them as well as share practical advice and strategy for fundraising techniques. I know, we're such dorks, but we really love it!!!
While I strongly believe in and am always very willing to ask the Church for finances on behalf of missionaries and those in ministry, I also think its endlessly valuable for them to know how to and feel confident asking for funds for that which God has called them to. So when it comes to coaching someone through fundraising, its the whole "teach a man to fish idea."
It was nice to feel relevant and be helpful in a way that doesn't have anything to do with diapers, childcare or meals :)
Hug (or love on via the internet) a missionary today!
Great to hear others with a similar passion. We have found amazing joy in helping others learn to give and receive support. We counseled a young girl recently about how she was helping to connect her friends with the blessings associated with giving and missions involvement when she was bold enough to go herself and to ask others to take part.