Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Thoughts for a Tuesday

My thoughts for today, such as they are:

1. When 'take a shower' is on your to-do list, something is wrong.

2. Sarah Jessica Parker (love her) was on Live with Kelly and Micheal last week and she and Micheal were sharing war stories about being parents (or survivors) of twins. It was like my own personal, playroom, therapy group experience. It was a little too encouraging and affirming. On the other hand, I could get used to that! And TiVo allowed me to pause it when the boys were screaming too loud. Quite children, mama's in a meeting.

3. You know that Pinterest saying that goes something like "why do they want to eat EVERY night?" Honestly. Every night? Really? I can't just put out chips and salsa and call it good? When I was single, pretty sure I didn't eat dinner EVERY night. Just saying. And I even considered chips and salsa dinner.

4. I used to travel. A lot. Alone and with friends. That was fun.

5. Why is it that sometimes the last time you see someone is at their wedding?

6. I think coffee tastes better in a mug. Then again, I heat mine up about 5 times every morning, so maybe my perceptions have been skewed...

7. If I did a giveaway, what would you like to receive?

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. I would like to win Mary Kay or a gift card towards decorating my house. there ya go. I love your thoughts. I think some of that stuff too. Love the randomness:)


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