Thursday, January 24, 2013

Favorite Quote Friday

Once again from Mercy Triumphs by Beth Moore, a study out of the book of James.

"You can live a lot longer with pain 
than with purposelessness."

I am a huge nerd when it comes to Greek and Hebrew. I think these languages are amazing and I can't get enough of them when it comes to the revelation they can add to the study of Scripture. Love it! Greek and Hebrew were pretty much the driving force behind my time spent at Bethel Seminary. Before I had a better understanding of the direction God was leading me, I signed up for the M.Div. program almost entirely b/c I wanted to study Greek and Hebrew. A little ridiculous, I know, but what can I say? 


I guess Tim is the cute one after all.

If you've been around the block more than a few times, you know that anguish and joy can co-exist. They can even trade places; over the course of time, or in a moment. 

Scripture is full of examples of this transformation of anguish into joy, of God making beauty from ashes. We don't call God redeemer for nothing. He redeems our anguish and transforms in to joy.

The thing that has been pressed into my heart like a hot iron these last few years is the miracle of God transforming pain into passion, nightmare into blessing. He can birth JOY from anguish! Blows my mind.

So let Him take your pain, whatever it may be, and turn it into a purpose. You will be blessed. I promise. 


  1. Thanks, Heidi. This is timely for me, and a good thing for me to remember.

  2. It IS a good thing to remember. Hard though :)


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