Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Well, it's January 1st, and the new year is here, with all it's hopes and dreams and resolutions.

We actually DID something last night to celebrate the new year! It's been a while. In truth, I can't even remember the last time we did something on New Years.

Four years ago, we had a newborn, fresh from the hospital. Three years ago.....probably nothing. Nothing I can remember. Two years ago, we had just moved into our new house that morning, so I'm sure we were just unpacking. Last year, we just hung out, watched a movie and were in bed by 10.

Apparently I have no memory of New Year's before having children.

Nope, nothing.

We are exciting people.

Last night we didn't have a sitter and didn't feel particularly inclined to tote all 3 littles with us somewhere, but we did find some friends willing to come to us. They even packed up 2 babies in the freezing cold to put them to bed at our house. Good friends.

We gave the kiddos a snack of leftover birthday cake and ice cream and put all 5 of them to bed.

Then we sat around chatting, drinking wine, eating some snacks. Fancy snacks like Giada's homemade cheesy popcorn and Reese's peanut butter cups.

Our friend was kind enough to oblige us and bring his guitar and so we spent some time singing Christmas carols and worhip songs and we prayed for the coming year. It blessed my soul like you cannot imagine. I can't think of a better way to prepare for 2013. It was cozy and comfortable and confirming.

Then...we stayed up until midnight playing Killer Bunnies!!!! This is epic. So was the game. I even won. Never happens. I repeat, we stayed up until midnight. I don't think we've done that by choice since having Jackson!

We bid our dear friends adeui and fell into an exhausted heap. I am still in that heap. But it was well worth it. Will likely pay the price tomorrow, but well worth it.

Happy New Year, may you be blessed!

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