Friday, July 27, 2012

You CAN have it all!

There are those moments in life when everything is perfect.  You are in your rhythm and you are rocking it.  You feel like supermom!  The entire house is (relatively) clean, the children are napping, dishes are done, laundry folded, dinner's in the crockpot and you got to brush your teeth as well as work out!!!  gasp.

It's in these moments when I feel like all my amazing skills are truly being utilized as a mama.  If the hubs could see me now, I smugly think to myself.

Ah, yes, those rare, fleeting, enigmatic moments of utter bliss....

Ignorance is bliss, they say.

I don't know who "they" are, but they're smart.

In my house, these perfect moments are typically short lived.  As soon as I survey my estate with satisfaction and sit down with my Bible and steaming cup of re-heated morning coffee, we change scenes.  Urine soaked toddler enters, stage left.  Crying poopy baby heard from stage right.  Oh wait, two crying poopy babies from stage right because the first one woke the second one with his wails.

The vivid color photograph of my mad-hot skills quickly fades to an old sepia tone picture with broken edges.


I am learning that that's just life.  Life is messy, especially with children.  Life is noisy, especially with boys.  And life is tainted with pride, especially with me.

I can't do it all.  Not all the time.  Not on my own.

I came back from She Speaks so excited about all I had learned and all I had heard from God and ready to start writing with a new-found sense of direction!

Well, as real as SS was, my real life was real-er...I hit the ground running and my sweet littles have kept me sprinting and that's ok because about a year ago God gave me a new motto:  You CAN have it all.  Pretty simpe, right?  If you are lol right now and moving your cursor to close this window, hold on!

Just wait!

There's more!

Somehow, some way, by the divine, miraculous grace of God, you can have it all.  You can be a great wife, mother, friend, sister, minister and child of God.  You can have it all (emphasis on the miraculous grace of God).  This past year, God persisted in repeating this over and over to me.  It took some time before it  began to soak in; I'm not always the most receptive to new ideas.  Although I have yet to see this realized in my life, I have received this goal, this dream, this motto, because I know HIM to be faithful and steadfast.

Personally, I think that God likes a paradox and in keeping with that, this word always came to me at my weakest moments.  It was usually right after a new bubble of pride had just been dramatically burst and the green slime got all over my already dirty yoga pants.  As I lay in that greasy puddle of my own pride, the reality of my not-so-mad-hot skills sinking in, my precious Redeemer reminded me that will His help, all things are possible.  I can have it all.  As long as I remember the most important part:  by his grace.

My hope is that you are saying 'Me too, I want to have it all too!'  My prayer is that together we can embark on this journey of believing God for more, of dreaming big together.  My desire is to share with you what this looks like in my life as I begin to unpack it, little by little.  My vote is that we begin believing for the impossible in our marriages, our children, our churches and ourselves.  I don't know what it looks like.  I know that I sure need a lot more JESUS to do my jobs well.  A lot.  And more time...we'll see about that last one...

I am willing to believe for more and I hope you are too.  So let's learn together and share our stories!

Be blessed this weekend and dream BIG!

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya! For what it's worth, it seems to have gotten easier to care for my house but caring for my children seems to be just as hard. Just hard in different ways, i.e. no need to change diapers but instead teaching of character. I agree with your motto (I CAN have it all) but mine is more like "I can have ALL that God has stored up for me." My yearnings are endless and need to be tempered by God's desires for me!


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