Friday, October 12, 2012

Mercy Triumphs

Sometimes, when there is prophetic gifting in a person, there can also be a lack of a strong mercy gift. So in my family, we have this joke about how God knew that my brother and I really, really needed Tim and Ellen, my sister-in-law extraordinaire, to balance us out. They are very merciful, gracious, loving, and pastoral. We need them.

So a few months ago, we were joking about this over a family dinner and I made some absurd comment about how I don't need mercy b/c I have Tim.

Famous. Last. Words.

I sleep soundly. I know I should probably wake up every time one of my children rolls over in bed, but I don't. I am exhausted all the time and I sleep like it.

Not that night.

That night I was tossing and turning and could not figure out why. Hm. Duh. Finally, the light goes on and I begin to pray, asking God why He is hindering my sleep.

And so begins my well-deserved rebuke. Basically the Lord told me that I needed to pray for a mercy gift, to seek one out and to chase after it until I found it.

Well, the very next day I randomly ended up at a Christian bookstore. Now, this is not somewhere I frequent, AND, I was there without kids! So I am perusing through the store when low and behold I stumble across a new Beth Moore study. (I just love her.) Her study is on James and it's called Mercy Triumphs. Sold.

God is good.
And merciful.
Soon, I will be merciful too!
Tim can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. Heidi-- this is a most excellent post and a wonderful example of humility. It is a good reminder that I need to pursue the gifts that I do feel gifted in. So, thank you for the reminder and the example.


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