Saturday, August 4, 2012

Genetic testing?

The Pook and I got to hang out at Como Town this morning for a few hours and had our fill of the flying swings and spinning tea cups.  I left with a slight headache and seriously bruised (and bloody) ankle, but it was worth the special time together "WITHOUT the babies!"  

The third time we went on the swings, I witnessed a very meaningful interaction between a man and his disabled teenage son.  This man, who looked to be about 50, had a shaved head and solid, marine-like build.  He was tattoed and tough-looking, confident and intentional.  His son was none of these things.  

The thing was, this physically intimidating man couldn't stop loving on his son; it was hard not to take notice.  I wanted to stop what I was doing and watch.  This interaction really struck me.  I have no hard facts to present to you, but I do know that with the dawning of genetic testing many babies that indicate genetic weaknesses are aborted.  I ask you, when is the last time you saw a small child/baby with Downs?  Its been a while for me.  

In a society that, as a whole, doesn't seem to really value children the way it used it, it impacted me to see a man so overwhelmed with love for his disabled child that he couldn't care less if the whole world saw.  Love it!  

I can't count how many times we get asked if we are really considering having another child?  Really, another?  Because 3 is so many.....  Last I checked, Bible says children are our inheritance!  Our inheritance, people!  That's a good great thing.  Not gonna lie, life is cra-zy with twins.  Crazy.  But crazy awesome because my quiver is full.  :)  I am too busy most days to even find my quiver, but when I have a millisecond to think about it, I am forever grateful that it is full.

As a nation, we voted in a president that literally vowed to legalize partial birth abortion.  Not ok.  (My intent is not to be political, rather to provoke thoughtfulness and dialogue.)  When did we stop placing due value in our children?  When did they become such a burden, a trial for us to endure until we can ship them off to school?  

More often than not, that's what I hear from people I encounter at the store:  just get "through" the next few years, then you'll be ok.....Once they go to school, life with be good again.

Except for the grandmas, they always respond to my very full cart with joy and they encouragement me to enjoy every moment.  "good for you!"  "have more babies!"  

Love it.

I am not a kid person.  I adore my children, but there is no part of me that yearns to be around anyone else's kids.  Just giving it to you straight.  But I do deeply value the gift and privilege of having and raising children, of teaching them to walk in righteousness.  No. Higher. Calling.  

Just a few of my thoughts.....

Thankful for the gift of witnessing that man and his son.


  1. Heidi, my husband and I were just commenting on how we haven't seen many downs babies lately. I totally agree that our society is tending toward enduring their children's formative years rather than embracing them. Thanks for the reminder to not follow the crowd.

  2. God expanded my heart for kids with special needs last summer in NY. Wow. What a blessing to be able to love on those kids. I will never forget it. One of the best things I have ever done in my life!


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